Friday, November 27, 2009


I wrote the following article when I was freelancing for and thought readers might be interested.  I welcome any comments or questions and look forward to hearing from you.

Since biblical time, people have sought the predictions of psychics who seem to possess supernatural power to predict the future and give answers to desperately sought questions. The truth is, the psychics are as deceived as the people they are deceiving and neither one is given the absolute truth. Instead, both have put their trust in something other than God.

People who seek the counsel of psychics believe the mystic can predict their future or answer their questions. Many psychics believe they are getting their visions from God, but they are not. The Word of God gives clear warning to stay away from their counsel. Some of these warning can be found in Exodus 22:18, Leviticus 19:31, 20:6-8 & 27, Deuteronomy 18: 10-12, Malachi 3:5, Acts 13: 6-11 and Revelations 21:8.

Demons know a great deal about us because they are watching, listening, and learning everything they can. However, only God can read thoughts. The Bible states that when a person dies, he or she goes to heaven or to hell (Luke 16:22-31). No person who has died floats around in the spirit world. However, spirits do. Good spirits, which are angels and bad spirits, which are demons (1 Kings 22:19-23; 1 Peter 5:8; Mark 1:23-26).
Demons are interested in the person and the psychic’s weaknesses, addictions, and faults. They use psychics to whisper lies they want people to believe. As for the psychics, demons deceive them into believing they are speaking with the actual spirit of the dead loved one. The demons know the person seeking a psychic wants to hear from their dead loved one, so they give the psychic all the information necessary to deceive the person into believing they have contacted that dead person.

That’s how the psychic is able to give details no one else could possible know. After the demons hook the person by having the psychic tell them what they already know about their lives, but are astounded the psychic knows, they begin feeding the psychic lies for the person to believe.

Some psychics are also unscrupulous. Their motivation being money and prestige, they can hook a person into coming back for more. What they tell them may sound intriguing but what it really does is increase a person’s chances of becoming dependent upon them. In turn, that pulls them further away from dependence and trust upon God. It also causes a person to seek ‘quick answer’ guidance from psychics instead of waiting on God’s perfect timing. Some may become so dependent they question their own decisions and ignore the Holy Spirit’s guidance when He gently tugs at their hearts.

Remember, a psychic is also deceived and could unknowingly misinform someone into making a decision that could result in damaging, or even fatal, results.

In truth, all the psychic really accomplishes is diverting a person’s focus away from trusting in God’s divine knowledge. If a person seeks insight into their future or answers to their questions from anyone other than God, they risk the chance of being deceived. They can never trust or know the information given was the absolute truth.

What do you think? I would love to read your comments.